Next Steps at FCC

What next steps can you take to connect more with Jesus and the church.

Next Step Classes

We have five classes you can take to grow a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ:


 TIME: 6-8PM


Check out our Calendar for exact dates and times.


CLASS 101: Discovering Fairlawn

This class is the basic introduction to our church family and the first of five seminars designed to give you the basics as you “round the bases.” In CLASS 101, you’ll discover what this church is all about....and what we believe in. We’ll discuss what it means to “be saved,” as well as:

  • The Symbols of our salvation.
  • Our Statements of Faith and Lifestyle.
  • Baptism.....what’s it all about?
  • The Lord’s Supper or “Communion”
  • How to tell your story.
  • Our Strategy
  • Our Structure
  • The meaning of church membership.

CLASS 201: Discovering Spiritual Maturity

The focus of this CLASS is to help you implement Four Basic Habits that every Christian needs to develop in order to grow to spiritual maturity, and to equip you with the skills you need to begin and continue these habits. These four basic habits that will be discussed are:

  1. Time in God’s Word
  2. Prayer
  3. Giving
  4. Fellowship

You’ll learn about these plus:

  • “Hearing” God’s Word
  • Thirty day Bible reading challenge
  • How to memorize scriptures
  • How to meditate on God’s Word.
  • How to have a “quiet time.”
  • How to pray and praise God.
  • Tithing and generous living
  • Participating in God’s family.

CLASS 301: Discovering My Ministry

In this exciting CLASS, you’ll discover your “SHAPE” for ministry. In this class we’ll focus on the Five Personal Factors that combine to shape the “real you”. By identifying the specific traits you possess in each area, the personal ministry that God has designed you for will become crystal clear! We’ll discuss:

  • What the Bible says about ministry.
  • Your primary identity.
  • How to discover your ministry.
  • Your spiritual gifts.
  • Your spiritual “heartbeat.”
  • Your abilities.
  • Your passions.
  • Your experiences.
  • Serving at Fairlawn
  • Take an Assess Me profile and learn more about how you are wired for ministry

CLASS 401: Discovering My Life Mission

In this CLASS you’ll focus on the universal part of your Life Mission. The goal of this CLASS is to help you commit to being a messenger of God’s Good News, the Gospel. In this CLASS you will:

  • Discover the mission of every Christian.
  • Learn how to construct and share your testimony.
  • Learn how to lead someone to faith and explain the Gospel to them.
  • Fish in your “mission pond.”
  • Become a world class Christian.
  • Learn what it takes to be on mission for God.
  • Get in on what God is doing.

CLASS 501: Discovering Discipleship

In this final CLASS you will discover why Making Disciples is part of your Mission to the world. The goal of this CLASS is that you commit your life to being a disciple of Jesus who makes other disciples. We live on mission to make disciples who make other disciples because we have experienced life transformation through Him! In this CLASS you will:

  • Learn to define the word disciple.
  • Learn how Jesus discipled people.
  • The five stages of the discipleship wheel.
  • How people come to Christ and then grow.
  • Our role as a church in the disciplemaking process.

Once you complete all five CLASS Seminars you will be given a certificate of completion.

Become a Member

Church membership is a commitment a person makes to identify with a local expression of the Body of Christ. If you have completed Class 101 and would like to become a member at FCC please complete this sign up. A church Elder will be in touch with you to schedule an appointment to discuss membership further.